Friday, March 7, 2008

Thing 9: Google Docs/Zoho

Once again, I can see the validity of another type of web type editing tool. I did not find either of them to be usable unless you were invited. Right now, I am dealing with kids who cannot spell, cannot capitalize, nor are able to flat screen any type of paper. Some cannot write a sentence that makes sense.

I also do not see how this could be used in an atmosphere where many are not computer literate. To me it is just more confusing as to how to access everything. However, once there is the generation y in charge, they are used to the social networking and the virtural use of documents. I can see how it could work if someone has one version of a program and another person has a different version.

this has been a long day. I have now finished more of the things. This is an eye-opening experience as I did not realize how much was actually out there.

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